Big Bluestem
Andropogen gerardii. Found throughout most of Minnesota. This warm season bunch grass prefers full to partial sun and medium to dry soil. Grows 2-7’ tall. An iconic prairie species, with fingerlike seedheads that resemble a turkey foot (its alternative common name). Not suited for small spaces as it spreads readily.
Andropogen gerardii. Found throughout most of Minnesota. This warm season bunch grass prefers full to partial sun and medium to dry soil. Grows 2-7’ tall. An iconic prairie species, with fingerlike seedheads that resemble a turkey foot (its alternative common name). Not suited for small spaces as it spreads readily.
Andropogen gerardii. Found throughout most of Minnesota. This warm season bunch grass prefers full to partial sun and medium to dry soil. Grows 2-7’ tall. An iconic prairie species, with fingerlike seedheads that resemble a turkey foot (its alternative common name). Not suited for small spaces as it spreads readily.