Meet the Landes.
(Pronounced Land-ee)
Hello! We are Claire and Pete Lande. I (Claire) have been growing things and interested in bugs for as long as I can remember. Prior to farming, I studied entomology and worked as a research tech doing native pollinator research. I first learned how to grow native perennials during a study of native bee habitat alongside blueberry fields in Oregon, and began growing vegetables on a larger scale after we bought our farm in 2020. Pete works off-farm as an engineer, and does a lot of engineering here too. He keeps everything running smoothly and has all the good ideas.
This year we are raising two new littles, and taking a more laid back approach to farming. We will continue to improve our composting in order to rely less on on off-farm inputs, add native trees and flower plantings throughout the farm, and remove invasive species; we’re beginning to see exciting results from our efforts over the last three years :) We are continually reminding ourselves to slooooww down and take it one thing at a time; this farm is the project of a lifetime.